Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Not done hiking?

I'm hiking the NCT in the UP of Michigan. I will be hiking with Krusty, whom I met on the PCT. The initial plan is to hike for two weeks. Then it may be time to hike the PNT for the fall. We'll see.

Saturday, July 13, 2013


When I created this blog I did not have a trail name. My proper trail name is Sasquatch. I hike in VFF's. I'm not certain if I will go back to the PCT this year, or next. However, I ultimately will be back. Maybe not a thru hike, but who knows. Knowing you can do something is pretty cool, actually doing it is a whole different beast.

I learned a whole bunch of cool stuff while hiking, and met a whole bunch of cool people. Having never hiked before, I was at times overwhelmed. I was overwhelmed by the beauty of the trail, or the day after day grind of hiking. Luckily the trail is easier in the beginning, and gradually gets harder. This allows someone like me to build slowly. When I started I could not hike more than 12 miles in a day. After a few weeks I could do 20's day after day. Though I still took way too many zeros in town. I did one 30 mile day. At the end I could do 20 miles a day in the Sierras. The first few weeks I had terrible blisters, but towards the end my feet only hurt on the days I did not hike. I had very few aches and pains. Though, I only really averaged 11 miles per day from start to finish. Things were definitely more sore when I was pushing 20's on a regular basis. Sore, but luckily not injured. I am always amazed at what a good night of sleep can do.

If I go back this year it will be southbound from Portland, Ore. Or, perhaps I will try again next year having much more experience and knowledge to make hiking that much easier/more enjoyable. Regardless, I have had a blast.
So much water! Most fords I could skip over rocks without getting my feet wet. A few I got above knee deep. The vibrams dried quickly. I never bothered taking them off prior to fording.

I was glad that much of the trail was well graded terrain.

A beautiful, but lonely, sunset.

I was tempted to sleep here. It was amazingly warm at 12,000 feet.

Not my favorite terrain to hike over in VFF's, but I managed. It was pretty amazing to realize a thru hike solely in VFF's is totally doable. Not that I thru hiked, but knowing I could without a doubt, based on the miles I did hike, was pretty cool.

Heading up over Bishop Pass. Check out the waterfall.

Yeah, its pretty. Get over it.

A normal snow year might really suck in vff's. Vibram needs to make me some snow VFF's for next year.
Get on it Vibram.

Lots of rocks up there, too.

A ten incher a JMT'er named Andre pulled out of Purple Lake. I managed to catch a 7 incher with my hiking pole.
Caviar, anyone?

I'm sure it took a lot of effort to build this lovely trail.

Soda Spring near Reds Meadow. Wish I would have brought some gin.

Finally getting proper use of my super expensive rain gear. Mosquitoes can't bite through, which is a nice bonus. Not that there were many mosquitoes near this stretch.

Not a whole lot of snow.

One of the many beautiful lakes around 10,000 feet. The mosquitoes came out in full force, and an ant bit my balls.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Done hiking for now

Well I hiked 700 miles of the PCT. Including non-PCT hiking I have walked around 900 miles in vibram five fingers. For a first time hiker I would say that is pretty good. I'm done hiking for now. Hiking alone in the Sierras is just too lonely, and there are other things I would like to do this summer. After I arrive home I will refine this blog to include more than just pictures. It has been an insane couple of months.