Saturday, May 25, 2013

Deep Creek. Near the hot springs. It took a long time to get a shot sans naked old bros.

Flowers certainly make burn areas prettier.

This was the dirtiest part of the hike. 

Friday, May 17, 2013

Do you see the rattlesnake?

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Whitewater. This was pretty great after ziggy and the bear. Ziggy and the Bear was
very weird. I stayed at the Morongo Casino.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Somewhere near the San Jacintos. Or what I like to call, the mini-sierra. 

I should have spent much more time in the San Jacintos. I could have lived there.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Strawberry Creek near downtown Idyllwild.

Rapermans Cave. That's not it's real name. This was around scissors crossing. Which was a pretty hot dry stretch where I carried 7 liters of water. I also found two ticks on me, which was really weird for how dry it was. Hmm.

What the F? It's not supposed to rain in socal. I got caught in a storm and ended up hitching into Idyllwild. Idyllwild was an amazingly awesome town. Very idyllic. 

The Desert was beautiful.

Amazing sunsets abound.

Agua Caliente creek. I spent quite a bit of time at this oasis. Any flowing water in socal is my friend.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The Suntactics solar panel performed admirably at this time. I was able to keep my music, movies, and gps going no problem. The panel would eventually fail in the Sierras.

Eating and drinking at The Pine House Cafe and Tavern. Excellent Food. I had several meals before departing.

It looks, and was, pretty hot.